Sunday 16 June 2024

Exploring the Mysteries of an Ancient Caldera: Resilience Harmony and Adventure Await

In the island of Kyushu, life breathes within the ancient caldera. The green hills turn grey, and a faint smell of sulfur wafts in. You can sense it approaching. However, encountering an active volcano, especially one of the world’s largest that regularly spouts minor eruptions, is an unexpected shock. I don’t know if the dome-shaped bunkers, speakers, 24-hour surveillance, and strict access regulations are reassuring or unsettling. Perhaps both. Peering through the fence, I can’t see the red boiling cauldron like in a movie, but steam ominously billows out. Our usually chatty group is silent this time, and no one protests when it’s time to leave. We don’t want to […] The post Exploring the Mysteries of an Ancient Caldera: Resilience, Harmony, and Adventure Await appeared first on LIFE on the PLANET LADAKH.



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