Sunday 30 June 2024

The Meaning of Life: Discovering Value Connection and Growth in Every Moment

Why must I have the will to live? I understand that I am neither intellectually gifted nor valuable in various aspects. It seems unlikely that these qualities will help me or aid in achieving a meaningful life goal. The beginning of this might not be very encouraging, but I must tell you a true story: When I was eighteen, I lived with my parents. One day, as I was about to take a shower, I noticed an ant near the drain. Without much thought, I picked up the ant and released it into the grass in our garden, then went back inside to take my shower. Four years later, at […] The post The Meaning of Life: Discovering Value, Connection, and Growth in Every Moment appeared first on LIFE on the PLANET LADAKH.


Saturday 29 June 2024

Enchanting Tahiti: Discovering Coral Sands Lush Nature and Festive Vibes

I have no desire whatsoever to visit Tahiti or any other sun-drenched locales. Is this normal? Upon receiving tickets, one might assume everyone would immediately yearn to go. I felt the same way. Why? Because I’ve already traveled extensively across Europe, America, Asia, and Africa—Oceania was the only continent left unexplored. From May to June last year, I spent precisely 28 days in French Polynesia, not just in Tahiti. I harbored prejudices: that it would be flashy and garish. Yet, it proved otherwise! Having lived in Saint-Tropez for eight years, I know it differs greatly… The landscapes are breathtaking, the sea’s clarity akin to a vast pool, abundant vegetation, Polynesian […] The post Enchanting Tahiti: Discovering Coral Sands, Lush Nature, and Festive Vibes appeared first on LIFE on the PLANET LADAKH.


Friday 28 June 2024

Embracing the Beauty of Four Seasons in Northern Europe: A Journey Through Natures Changing Canvas

What’s it like to live in four seasons? For someone like me from Northern Europe, living with four seasons is just the norm. We expect ongoing change in nature, temperature, and precipitation patterns, with short periods of stability. But we always know what’s coming next because we’ve seen it all before. Right now, for instance, here in northern Sweden, spring is on its way. It’s mid-April, and there’s still snow around, which is normal, but it’s retreating, revealing brown grass underneath. We know the grass will turn green as soon as the temperatures hit double digits. You can watch it happen. Yesterday afternoon, I sat on my veranda with a […] The post Embracing the Beauty of Four Seasons in Northern Europe: A Journey Through Nature’s Changing Canvas appeared first on LIFE on the PLANET LADAKH.


Thursday 27 June 2024

Bouvet Island: The Ultimate Remote Adventure and Pristine Wilderness

Where is the island farthest from any mainland? It is said that the most isolated island, the one that requires the longest journey from any other landmass, is Bouvet Island, a Norwegian territory located in the southern hemisphere. Bouvet Island – Wikipedia. Excluding a small rocky outcrop near the coast, Lars Island, the nearest land to Bouvet Island is Queen Maud Land in Antarctica, 1,700 km to the south. To the north, the British territory of Gough Island is 1,600 km away. To reach a populated area, one must either sail 2,200 km northeast to the Cape of Agulhas in South Africa or 2,000 km to Tristan da Cunha. Tristan […] The post Bouvet Island: The Ultimate Remote Adventure and Pristine Wilderness appeared first on LIFE on the PLANET LADAKH.


Wednesday 26 June 2024

Glacier Photography: Capturing the Majestic Beauty of Hidden Ice Cathedrals

(A photo of the aforementioned spot, taken on the way back. The wind was fierce up there.) What is your greatest experience that no one else knows about? Last weekend, I returned to the glacier I had photographed the previous year. I had heard whispers of an ice cave, unknown to me until now, and felt compelled to seek it out. The conditions were perfect. The temperature had plummeted well below freezing, and it hadn’t snowed for some time. The path across the glacier to the cave was clear, and the avalanche risk was relatively low. With snowshoes on my feet and a heavy backpack on my shoulders, I trudged […] The post Glacier Photography: Capturing the Majestic Beauty of Hidden Ice Cathedrals appeared first on LIFE on the PLANET LADAKH.


Tuesday 25 June 2024

Domesticated Foxes: A Breakthrough in Animal Friendship and Genetic Innovation

Which wild animals do you think have the potential to become pets? Foxes. Unlike dogs and cats, foxes (with the exception of the friend in ‘The Little Prince’) have not yet been domesticated. Their wild nature triumphs over human attempts to tame their spirits. Those who have tried to keep a fox at home know well the challenges involved. An intriguing experiment with foxes conducted by Russian scientists attempts to replicate the process of domestication. In the late 1950s, geneticist Dmitry K. Belyaev endeavored to create a population of domesticated foxes. Through a breeding program at the Institute of Cytology and Genetics in Novosibirsk, Russia, he aimed to trace the […] The post Domesticated Foxes: A Breakthrough in Animal Friendship and Genetic Innovation appeared first on LIFE on the PLANET LADAKH.


Monday 24 June 2024

Farmers Remarkable Journey: Triumph in the Face of Adversity

Have you ever heard a remarkable story about a farmer and a lawyer? A farmer named Angus from Newfoundland had an unfortunate car accident. He was hit by a truck belonging to the Eversweet Company. In the courtroom, the Eversweet Company’s lawyer interrogated Angus. “Didn’t you tell the police at the scene of the accident, ‘I’m fine, I’m fine’?” the lawyer asked. Angus replied, “Well, let me tell you what happened. I had just loaded my favorite cow, Bessie, into the trailer…” “I’m not asking for details,” the lawyer interrupted. “Just answer the question. Didn’t you say at the scene of the accident, ‘I’m fine’?” Angus said, “Well, I had […] The post Farmer’s Remarkable Journey: Triumph in the Face of Adversity appeared first on LIFE on the PLANET LADAKH.


Sunday 23 June 2024

Baobab Tree: The Majestic Lifesaver of Africa

🌳 According to African legend, the Creator planted the baobab (the African baobab) in the valley of a river, but the tree was discontented with the moisture. So, the Creator transplanted the baobab to the mountainside, yet still, the tree remained unsatisfied. Angered by the tree’s constant complaints, the Creator uprooted the baobab and threw it onto the dry ground of Africa. Ever since, the baobab has grown with its roots reaching skyward. 🌳💦 The baobab is a tree that holds water within. A fascinating fact: The baobab is known as the thickest tree in the world, with its trunk reaching up to 9 meters in diameter, and the largest […] The post Baobab Tree: The Majestic Lifesaver of Africa appeared first on LIFE on the PLANET LADAKH.


Coincidence and Belief: A Fortuitous Encounter that Changed Lives

Do You Believe in Coincidence? There is no such thing as coincidence! One summer day, Mr. Yüksel missed a ferry he had never missed before, on his way to a goose farm across the river. Unable to bear the scorching heat while waiting for the next ferry, he decided to postpone his plan to buy a few geese until the following day and headed back home. On his drive back, he encountered a flock of geese. Believing that following them would inevitably lead him to his destination, he started to trail them. With the geese leading the way, Mr. Yüksel ventured down the dusty village road. Eventually, they reached a […] The post Coincidence and Belief: A Fortuitous Encounter that Changed Lives appeared first on LIFE on the PLANET LADAKH.


Saturday 22 June 2024

Trekking Meaning Unveiled: Discovering the Spirit of Exploration

What does trekking really mean? Let’s explore the ancient origin of this word, its meaning, and understand why it is not synonymous with hiking or excursions. The Meaning of the Word Trekking Every enthusiast must have wondered about the meaning of the word trekking. For many, it simply means walking or traveling on foot, often used synonymously with hiking and excursions. In Italy, these terms are used interchangeably, but they actually have very different origins and meanings. In this article, we will delve into the true origin of the word trekking and understand why it actually has a rather unique and specific meaning. Where does the word trekking come from? […] The post Trekking Meaning Unveiled: Discovering the Spirit of Exploration appeared first on LIFE on the PLANET LADAKH.


Embark on an Epic Journey to NASA Space Center Tour for Schools: Exploring the Cosmos

Experience an extraordinary voyage through time and space! Imagine immersing yourself in a realm of cutting-edge technology and the boundless expanse of the universe. A trip to the NASA Space Center isn’t just a visit—it’s a chance for students to dive deep into the world of science and fuel their fascination with the cosmos. If you’re planning an educational tour, LIFE on the PLANET LADAKH Educational Tours is your ideal partner. Discover NASA: Unraveling the Mysteries of Space 1. Introduction to NASA Delve into the world of NASA, short for the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, a pioneering organization dedicated to space exploration since its establishment in 1958. 2. What […] The post Embark on an Epic Journey to NASA Space Center Tour for Schools: Exploring the Cosmos appeared first on LIFE on the PLANET LADAKH.


Benefits of Hiking: Unlocking Incredible Physical and Mental Health Advantages

The Benefits of Hiking Every Week Repetition of good things is a necessity. Hiking is not just a lifestyle but a rediscovery of the joy of walking and a chance to closely observe the beautiful world we live in. Hiking outdoors is beneficial and leads to improved physical fitness. This holds true even for those with noticeable grey hair or those who need assistive devices for mobility. While it would be fantastic to hike every day, the demands of our current life rhythm impose constraints on location, time, and available spaces. A weekly hike is sufficient, but more frequent hikes would be better, as our bodies crave and need them. […] The post Benefits of Hiking: Unlocking Incredible Physical and Mental Health Advantages appeared first on LIFE on the PLANET LADAKH.


Friday 21 June 2024

Mastering Simplify Thinking: Embrace Clarity and Confidence

How to Simplify Complex Thinking Reduce your obsession with seeking absolute certainty. One of the reasons our thinking becomes convoluted and circular is a strong desire to find the absolute truth or certainty about something. However, in this world, many things are relative, not black and white. Therefore, loosen your standards for seeking total truth and accept the presence of uncertainty. This way, your mind becomes more flexible and relaxed. Avoid having too many options. Have you ever heard of “the paradox of choice”? The more options you have, the harder it is to decide, and the more stressed your brain becomes. Instead of exhausting yourself by choosing, it actually […] The post Mastering Simplify Thinking: Embrace Clarity and Confidence appeared first on LIFE on the PLANET LADAKH.


Thursday 20 June 2024

Embracing Truth: A Journey to Happiness Maturity and Inner Peace

What is it that only you can do? 1. There are three kinds of people who speak the truth: children, the drunk, and the angry. 2. If you are the smartest person in the room, then you are in the wrong room. 3. Sometimes, those who wish to be part of your story are only characters for a single chapter. 4. Do not be swayed by sweet words; let your heart be moved by sweet efforts. 5. Life is ironic. To know happiness, you must know sadness; to savor silence, you need noise; to appreciate presence, you must experience absence. 6. Nothing feels as good as doing your work. 7. […] The post Embracing Truth: A Journey to Happiness, Maturity, and Inner Peace appeared first on LIFE on the PLANET LADAKH.


Wednesday 19 June 2024

Embracing Circumstances: Finding Joy and Satisfaction Through Change

Recently, I had the chance to talk to someone through Kora. It had been about a year and a half since our last conversation. As we reminisced about events from a year and a half ago, we found ourselves talking for nearly five hours. A sense of satisfaction, which I hadn’t felt in a long time, spread through my heart. The heaviness that once weighed down my spirit was lifted by this conversation. People change with opportunities and circumstances. Feelings are never constant; they shift according to the situation. What is precious today might be unnecessary tomorrow. What I once rejected and discarded might become essential after some time. The […] The post Embracing Circumstances: Finding Joy and Satisfaction Through Change appeared first on LIFE on the PLANET LADAKH.


Tuesday 18 June 2024

Psychological Hacks to Discover If Someone Likes You: Unlock the Secrets with These Powerful Tips

What are some psychological hacks to find out if someone likes you? Of course, I have them. So, every problem has its tricks. The same goes for people who are interested in you. From my experience, here are a few small tricks. 1. Removing objects between you According to Psychology Today, when someone likes you, they will unconsciously try to eliminate small objects (like cups, bags, plates, cushions) between you to get physically closer. 2. Maintaining personal space Psychologically, people tend to lean towards someone they like and away from someone they don’t. 3. Observing foot direction One of the most powerful signs is the direction of their feet during […] The post Psychological Hacks to Discover If Someone Likes You: Unlock the Secrets with These Powerful Tips appeared first on LIFE on the PLANET LADAKH.


Monday 17 June 2024

Plateau of Pamir: Discovering the Majesty of Central Asias Natural Marvels and Cultural Riches

What is the Plateau of Pamir called? Plateau of Pamir: Overview Plateau of Pamir: Unveiling the “Roof of the World” Geographical Position of Pamir Introduction: The world is adorned with stunning natural landscapes that leave us in awe of their beauty and grandeur. Among these remarkable features, the Plateau of Pamir stands as a geological wonder, renowned for its breathtaking vistas and significant cultural and historical significance. Situated in Central Asia, this high-altitude region holds many secrets and is often referred to as the “Roof of the World.” In this article, we will delve into the unique characteristics, geographical importance, and cultural heritage of the Plateau of Pamir, shedding light […] The post Plateau of Pamir: Discovering the Majesty of Central Asia’s Natural Marvels and Cultural Riches appeared first on LIFE on the PLANET LADAKH.


The Russia Education System: Balancing Fairness and Human Dignity in Exam Scoring

Today, I read a fascinating story about a young man studying in Russia. In his tale, he explains that in Russia, the highest score for many exams is 5. Even if a student does not answer a single question and returns the exam paper blank, they receive 2 out of 5 points. When he first arrived at Moscow University, he knew nothing of this system and was astonished. He asked Professor Theodor Medraev, “Is it fair to give a student who answered nothing a score of 2? Why not give them zero? Isn’t that the right way?” The professor, with a gentle smile, replied in profound words, “How can we […] The post The Russia Education System: Balancing Fairness and Human Dignity in Exam Scoring appeared first on LIFE on the PLANET LADAKH.


Sunday 16 June 2024

Exploring the Mysteries of an Ancient Caldera: Resilience Harmony and Adventure Await

In the island of Kyushu, life breathes within the ancient caldera. The green hills turn grey, and a faint smell of sulfur wafts in. You can sense it approaching. However, encountering an active volcano, especially one of the world’s largest that regularly spouts minor eruptions, is an unexpected shock. I don’t know if the dome-shaped bunkers, speakers, 24-hour surveillance, and strict access regulations are reassuring or unsettling. Perhaps both. Peering through the fence, I can’t see the red boiling cauldron like in a movie, but steam ominously billows out. Our usually chatty group is silent this time, and no one protests when it’s time to leave. We don’t want to […] The post Exploring the Mysteries of an Ancient Caldera: Resilience, Harmony, and Adventure Await appeared first on LIFE on the PLANET LADAKH.


Saturday 15 June 2024

Rochefourchat France: Discover the Worlds Most Intriguing and Tranquil Town with Only One Resident

Which is the most intriguing town in the world, and why? Rochefourchat France. This tiny town even deceives Google. How? Read on. Since the census of 1999, this town has had only one inhabitant, making it the least populated commune in France and the world, excluding those destroyed in World War I that now have zero inhabitants (List of French villages destroyed in World War I – Wikipedia). In 1793, Rochefourchat had 220 inhabitants. That was its peak, and since then, the population has steadily declined. Between 1990 and 1999, another inhabitant died. Did the remaining resident handle the funeral? If you’re tired of noisy neighbors, early morning visits from […] The post Rochefourchat France: Discover the World’s Most Intriguing and Tranquil Town with Only One Resident appeared first on LIFE on the PLANET LADAKH.


Friday 14 June 2024

Climbing the Worlds Most Exhilarating and Stunning Mountains: The Ultimate Adventure on the Rainbow Slab

Why do people climb mountains? In short, “The Very Big and the Very Small.” To elaborate, there’s a route in the Rainbow Slab of North Wales named “The Very Big and the Very Small.” When it was first established, it was one of the most challenging slab climbs in the world. The name of this route derives from the contrast between the extreme focus gained by immersing oneself completely in the sensation of one’s body during the climb (the very small) and the experience of feeling fully open to the entire surrounding environment when reaching the end of the climb or a ledge on a multi-pitch climb (the very big). […] The post Climbing the World’s Most Exhilarating and Stunning Mountains: The Ultimate Adventure on the Rainbow Slab appeared first on LIFE on the PLANET LADAKH.


Thursday 13 June 2024

Eeyores Journey: Embracing Friendship and Finding Light in the Hundred Acre Wood

It had been several days since Pooh and Piglet last heard from Eeyore. With concern in their hearts, they donned their hats and coats, embarking on a journey through the mystical expanse of the Hundred Acre Wood. Their steps led them to Eeyore’s humble abode, a house crafted from sticks and twigs. Inside, they found Eeyore. “Hello, Eeyore,” said Pooh, his voice a gentle whisper in the stillness. “Hello, Pooh. Hello, Piglet,” replied Eeyore, his tone tinged with a melancholic undertone. “We came to see how you are,” said Piglet, his words wrapped in sincere worry. “We hadn’t heard from you and wanted to know if you were okay.” Eeyore […] The post Eeyore’s Journey: Embracing Friendship and Finding Light in the Hundred Acre Wood appeared first on LIFE on the PLANET LADAKH.


Wednesday 12 June 2024

Immortal Life: The Endless Journey of Earths Living Phenomenon

Is Immortal Life Possible? Life is already immortal. We lament our mortality, while each of us is merely an expression of the phenomenon of life that began billions of years ago and may continue for trillions of years. We do not know exactly when life began on Earth, but the oldest confirmed traces date back 3.7 billion years. It was then that the self-sustaining, never-ending, and incredibly complex chemical reaction we call life began. Every time organisms reproduce, this reaction spreads to new clusters of matter. They are insignificant as long as the whole phenomenon persists. We see this in eusocial organisms like ants and termites. They sacrifice their lives […] The post Immortal Life: The Endless Journey of Earth’s Living Phenomenon appeared first on LIFE on the PLANET LADAKH.


Tuesday 11 June 2024

Regret: Embracing Lifes Journey with Courage and Authenticity

What Are the Things People Never Tell You About Life? One of the seldom mentioned truths about life is regret. Most people keep their regrets to themselves, feeling too ashamed or believing there is no need to speak of what has already passed. What do people regret the most? “If only I had been brave enough to speak my mind. If only I had believed in myself more.” Indeed, something worse than failure is regret. As I read the novel *Before the Coffee Gets Cold*, I came to understand an essential truth rarely spoken of about life: the regrets that people tightly keep to themselves. Regret for choosing to leave […] The post Regret: Embracing Life’s Journey with Courage and Authenticity appeared first on LIFE on the PLANET LADAKH.


Monday 10 June 2024

Empower Your Lifestyle: Thriving Off-Grid Living with Sustainable Solutions

As an American, is there a way to live self-sufficiently off-grid without worrying about property taxes or government issues? Yes, there is. Based on your very limited criteria… A.) Choose one of the following states (note the later edit about “Indian” reservations!): Alaska, Alabama, Missouri, Georgia, Tennessee, or Texas. (These states have legalized off-grid living and offer a high standard of living for those who choose it.) In other states, off-grid living is essentially criminalized. B.) Find a ranch, farm, oil field, or other facility where property taxes are free/reduced. C.) Negotiate a barter agreement with the owner/operator of that facility – trade labor on the farm or ranch (a […] The post Empower Your Lifestyle: Thriving Off-Grid Living with Sustainable Solutions appeared first on LIFE on the PLANET LADAKH.


Sunday 9 June 2024

David Robinson: A Journey of Triumph from America to Tanzania

Why don’t the Black Americans, who feel unjustly treated in America, wish to return to Africa? There was a man named David Robinson. He was the son of the legendary American baseball player Jackie Robinson. Over thirty years ago, he decided to leave America. He sold everything he owned – his house, his car, his entire American life – and set out for the countryside of Tanzania. One day, David Robinson was walking with one of his grandchildren on his farm. Amidst the vast greenery, he said, “One day, all of this will be yours.” His words carried gently on the wind. He was a proud man. Robinson and his […] The post David Robinson: A Journey of Triumph from America to Tanzania appeared first on LIFE on the PLANET LADAKH.


Saturday 8 June 2024

Lael Wilcoxs Epic Quest: Breaking the Guinness World Record with Unstoppable Endurance and Passion

Meeting the Cyclist Attempting a World Record: 110 Days Around the Globe Lael Wilcox, a name spoken in hushed reverence among the world of long-distance cycling, was, surprisingly, a late bloomer in the sport. It was a sun-kissed morning on May 26, 7:06 a.m. precisely, when Wilcox pedaled away from Chicago’s Grant Park, initiating her audacious pursuit of the Guinness World Record for circumnavigating the globe by bicycle. The clock had started ticking. Her goal was clear: to cover 18,000 miles in 110 days, demanding at least 163 miles of daily cycling, a challenge that would test the very fabric of her endurance. In pursuit of this record, Wilcox […] The post Lael Wilcox’s Epic Quest: Breaking the Guinness World Record with Unstoppable Endurance and Passion appeared first on LIFE on the PLANET LADAKH.


Friday 7 June 2024

Orca Miracle: Brave Rescue of Young Boy on Thrilling Fishing Adventure

A 12-year-old boy fell from a boat into the middle of the sea, unnoticed by anyone. Scott Welsh, a 40-year-old man from New Zealand, had a passion for fishing. This love for the sport had been passed down to his 12-year-old son, Rico. Scott, Rico, and Rico’s uncle, Krunal, would seize any opportunity to embark on fishing trips together. They had fished in various exotic locations, reeling in rare catches. Their next fishing trip was meticulously planned, and they decided to venture out to sea in a motorboat. With all preparations complete, they set out in the morning, heading for the southern coast, hoping to land some good fish. A […] The post Orca Miracle: Brave Rescue of Young Boy on Thrilling Fishing Adventure appeared first on LIFE on the PLANET LADAKH.


Thursday 6 June 2024

Sardines Thrive: Resilience Amidst Natures Fury

What are the tough wild animals that survive in the harsh wild? There are many, but let me tell you something different. You often eat this. Think your life is the hardest? This fish is threatened with death every second from all directions by various ocean creatures! You know the answer already, don’t you? Yes, the sardine, also known as the “pilchard” in some parts of the world. What’s special about sardines and other similar small fish? Sardines can live up to more than ten years in the wild, but usually only around five years because of the many serious threats they face, including large-scale human fishing.   Their strategies […] The post Sardines Thrive: Resilience Amidst Nature’s Fury appeared first on LIFE on the PLANET LADAKH.


Wednesday 5 June 2024

Strongest Flower: A Story of Resilience and Inspiration

What are the most important lessons you’ve learned in life? Do you know what the strongest flower in the world is? The strongest flower is not the one with thorns. Nor is it the most poisonous. In truth, the strongest flower is the one that can be eaten safely. Ironically, the smallest flower, no bigger than a pinky nail, is the strongest flower in the world. Do you know why? It’s because it’s the only flower that can bloom in the Arctic. Saxifraga oppositifolia. This flower, eaten by the Inuit when they are starving, has a sweet taste. It’s purple, tiny, and grows between the cracks in ice or the […] The post Strongest Flower: A Story of Resilience and Inspiration appeared first on LIFE on the PLANET LADAKH.


Tuesday 4 June 2024

Discover the Enchanting Skurbuchan Gompa: A Serene Journey through Ladakhs Hidden Gem

I was headed to Skurbuchan Gompa. The rickety bus left the town of Leh and drove along the Leh-Srinagar Highway. At a junction, the highway crossed a bridge leading to Lamayuru, while continuing along the Indus River led to Dar-Hanu. Our bus didn’t cross the bridge; it headed towards Skurbuchan Gompa on the way to Dah-Hanu. The road descended slowly, with the Indus River to the left. Every green patch along the narrow land by the river was a village. This area, from Domkhar to Skurbuchan, Achinathang, Sanjak, Dah-Hanu, and Garkun, would be covered in apricot trees bearing juicy, orange fruit in a month and a half. The air would […] The post Discover the Enchanting Skurbuchan Gompa: A Serene Journey through Ladakh’s Hidden Gem appeared first on LIFE on the PLANET LADAKH.


Monday 3 June 2024

Unveiling Animal Consciousness: Exploring the Brilliance and Depth of Animal Minds

Are there animals, other than humans, that possess self-awareness? Essentially, every creature we encounter on our journey through life possesses a form of self-awareness. Animals make conscious and rational decisions, experience emotions and sensations, and sometimes even exhibit a sense of humor. Allow me to begin with a few stories, and conclude with references to scientific studies and recent findings. I was born in 1963 and received a flawed education in primary school, middle school, high school, and university in Poland. The teachings may have evolved since then. Let me share my experience. The Story Around 2008, after many years, I grew increasingly irritated by the noisy magpies near my […] The post Unveiling Animal Consciousness: Exploring the Brilliance and Depth of Animal Minds appeared first on LIFE on the PLANET LADAKH.


Sunday 2 June 2024

New Zealands Hidden Gems: Exploring the Majestic Backcountry Huts and Scenic Great Walks

When you set out on a long hike, where and how do you sleep? About 30% of New Zealand’s South Island is government-managed land, enveloped in national parks and various reserves. A network of tracks crisscrosses the island, and there are approximately 650 huts scattered throughout. These huts were initially built to provide accommodation for government-employed deer hunters tasked with reducing the population of deer that were ravaging the forest undergrowth. In the early 1970s, helicopter hunting proved to be more efficient, and these huts are now used by recreational hunters and mere hikers, known in New Zealand as trampers. Over time, many new huts have been constructed, and old […] The post New Zealand’s Hidden Gems: Exploring the Majestic Backcountry Huts and Scenic Great Walks appeared first on LIFE on the PLANET LADAKH.


Saturday 1 June 2024

Vitality and Inspiration: The Spirit of Lake Titicaca

Life of the Indigenous People at Lake Titicaca Today On the Sacred Lake Life at Lake Titicaca According to the indigenous people of the Andes, this is where the world was born, where the first Incas appeared. What is life like today at Lake Titicaca? In the ancient past, all was darkness. There was no sun, no stars, no moon. Then, the creator god Apukuna Tiksi Wiraqutra, known in Quechua as “the man who came from the sea foam,” or simply Viracocha, emerged from Lake Titicaca, and the miracle of creation began. Giants roamed the earth in the darkness. Viracocha said, “The world will become beautiful.” The giants lived peacefully, […] The post Vitality and Inspiration: The Spirit of Lake Titicaca appeared first on LIFE on the PLANET LADAKH.

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