Wednesday 31 July 2024

Trans-Himalaya Adventure: Epic Journey of Swiss Adventurers Conquering the Winter Himalayas with Bicycle and Ski Traverse

Trans-Himalaya Adventure: The Astonishing Bicycle and Ski Traverse by Swiss Adventurers – An Epic Journey Through the Winter Himalayas Trans-Himalaya Companions of the Cold Two Swiss adventurers are attempting to cross the Himalayas by bicycle, on foot, and on skis. The challenges begin once the cycling part is over. To the Horizon and Beyond All efforts are rewarded for such dreamlike scenery. “The winter in the Himalayas is a completely different caliber,” says Claude Balsiger as he burrows deeper into his sleeping bag. He is a Swiss bike adventurer who knows the highest mountain range in the world in summer. He spends one to several months there every year. Once, […] The post Trans-Himalaya Adventure: Epic Journey of Swiss Adventurers Conquering the Winter Himalayas with Bicycle and Ski Traverse appeared first on LIFE on the PLANET LADAKH.


Ice Hockey in the Himalayas: An Inspiring Adventure of Passion and Perseverance

Stunning Photos of Ice Hockey in the Himalayas After spending a few months coaching in Serbia, Jan Andersen embarked on an adventure among Buddhist monasteries, Muslim villages, and semi-nomadic shepherds. In January 2016, Jan Andersen, a former coach of several North American hockey teams, decided to leave the glamorous ice arenas behind and seek a new adventure on one of the world’s most remote natural ice fields. Located at an average altitude of over 4,500 meters, east of India’s rarely inhabited Ladakh region, lies the Tibetan Plateau, west of the disputed border with China. For three months each year, when temperatures drop below -20 degrees and schools close, natural ponds […] The post Ice Hockey in the Himalayas: An Inspiring Adventure of Passion and Perseverance appeared first on LIFE on the PLANET LADAKH.


Pashmina Wool: Discover the Luxurious Craftsmanship and Resilient Tradition Behind the Worlds Most Exquisite Cashmere

Why is cashmere so expensive? At an altitude higher than 4,000 meters, where winter temperatures can drop to -40 degrees Celsius, it’s hard to believe that anyone or anything can survive, writes Bored Panda. It’s like a vast, frozen desert, and it’s the Changtang Plateau. Located between the Himalayan and Karakoram mountain ranges, it is the highest permanently inhabited plateau in the world and home to an extremely hardy and rare breed of goat, the Changra or cashmere goat. The high altitude, freezing temperatures, and harsh winds in this unforgiving mountain region are crucial for stimulating the growth of the super-soft wool of these goats. The fibers are only 8 […] The post Pashmina Wool: Discover the Luxurious Craftsmanship and Resilient Tradition Behind the World’s Most Exquisite Cashmere appeared first on LIFE on the PLANET LADAKH.


Tuesday 30 July 2024

Tibetan Parenting: Nurturing Wisdom and Joyful Growth Through Ancient Traditions

Tibetan people believe that children should be treated like “kings” until the age of 5 and regarded as being in a “learning phase” from ages 5 to 10. Their parenting system has a long tradition and is detailed as follows: All parents hope their children will grow up to be happy and intelligent individuals, but the methods often depend on societal norms and what people in that country consider correct. The book The Tibetan Art of Parenting: From Before Conception Through Early Childhood by En Maiden-Brown, Eddie Farwell, and Dr. Dick Nilson explains how Tibetans raise their children. This book is not written as a conventional manual for parents but […] The post Tibetan Parenting: Nurturing Wisdom and Joyful Growth Through Ancient Traditions appeared first on LIFE on the PLANET LADAKH.


Ladakh Monasteries: Discover the Majestic Buddhist Sanctuaries and Timeless Beauty of the Himalayas

The Incredible Ladakh Monasteries One of the most visited monasteries in Ladakh is Thiksey, home to two hundred monks and dating back to the 15th century. I’ve already mentioned in a previous chronicle that traveling through Ladakh feels like traversing the moon. Only the blue serpent of the Indus adds a splash of color and life to the imposing landscape, bristling with peaks. The riverbanks break the gray monotony of the surroundings with the miracle of green life. The rest is bare, torn stone. To the right of the stream rise the snow-capped peaks of the Karakoram, while to the left stand the pinnacles of the Great Himalayas. The Indus […] The post Ladakh Monasteries: Discover the Majestic Buddhist Sanctuaries and Timeless Beauty of the Himalayas appeared first on LIFE on the PLANET LADAKH.


Monday 29 July 2024

Zanskar Trekking: Explore the Majestic Peaks and Breathtaking Landscapes of the Himalayas

Zanskar Trekking Tour : To the Heavens in the Himalayas In the former Buddhist kingdom of Zanskar lie villages and monasteries among the most remote in the Himalayas. To reach them, one must walk—and in doing so, encounters a breathtaking world of mountains. ABOUT THE PERSON Michael Martin, born in 1963, is a geographer and renowned desert photographer. The Munich native has undertaken 150 desert journeys since he was 17 and has published more than 20 books on the subject, including “The Deserts of the Earth” and “Planet Desert.” Martin has named his new project “Terra.” “Julley!” greets us Tesering, a kindly man marked by life in the high mountains. […] The post Zanskar Trekking: Explore the Majestic Peaks and Breathtaking Landscapes of the Himalayas appeared first on LIFE on the PLANET LADAKH.


Lamdon Model High School: Inspiring Journeys and Education in the Heart of the Himalayas

School on the Roof of the World When school holidays end in the Himalayas, the teachers of Lamdon Model High School begin their dangerous journey back to their school – over ice and rocks, through a spectacular landscape. With temperatures at minus 35 degrees, the hike takes several days: Every year, after the four-month winter break, the teachers of Lamdon Model High School dare to cross the frozen Zanskar River or the rocks on its banks to return to their school. The remote region of Zanskar is located in the Himalayas, in the Indian state of Jammu and Kashmir. In winter, the only access road is snowed in and impassable, […] The post Lamdon Model High School: Inspiring Journeys and Education in the Heart of the Himalayas appeared first on LIFE on the PLANET LADAKH.


Sunday 28 July 2024

Ladakh Ice Hockey: A Thrilling Adventure Amidst Majestic Himalayas

Ladakh Ice Hockey Puck Hunt at 3500 Meters The air is extremely thin and minus 16 degrees cold, even the fittest players quickly run out of breath – but the view and the atmosphere are fantastic: Ice hockey has become very popular in the Himalayas. Teams from Europe are now also traveling to the cult tournament at an altitude of 3500 meters. Only a few minutes remain until a possible triumph. The German-Finnish ice hockey team “Geronimo” is leading 2:1 in this last period, but the opponent from London is putting on the pressure. The “Spitfire” keep getting great chances. The “Geronimos”, including some former German national players, get help […] The post Ladakh Ice Hockey: A Thrilling Adventure Amidst Majestic Himalayas appeared first on LIFE on the PLANET LADAKH.


Shepherdess Nomads: Resilient Women Thriving in the Harsh Beauty of the Changthang Plateau

Photo Series on Shepherdess Nomads: Damn Tough Few people live at such high altitudes as the Changpa. The Tibetan shepherd nomads traverse a barren high plateau with their animals. A photo series captures their harsh yet romantically wild everyday life. They live permanently at elevations over 4,000 meters and endure long, icy winters. The Changpa are Tibetan shepherd nomads who live in the Changthang plateau, which stretches from Tibet to Ladakh in northern India. In search of grass, they roam the lonely and barren steppes with their flocks of sheep, goats, and yaks. Since 2015, Ritayan Mukherjee has been photographing a group of these resilient people living in a valley […] The post Shepherdess Nomads: Resilient Women Thriving in the Harsh Beauty of the Changthang Plateau appeared first on LIFE on the PLANET LADAKH.


Saturday 27 July 2024

Paraglider Mastery: Explore Thrilling Flying Destinations and Exciting Global Adventures

Where to Learn to Become a Paraglider Pilot You fold the wing into a backpack, spread it out on the slope, let the wind inflate it – and you’re flying. Alexey Druzhinin, a photographer with RIA Nоvоsтi, is certain there is no flying machine lighter, cheaper, or easier to control than a paraglider. For many years now, Alexey, one of Russia’s finest paraglider pilots, has spent his vacations in the mountains, unfurling his wing over the Himalayas, Tibet, and the Caucasus. Along with his tent and navigation tools, Druzhinin carries his camera with lenses and a dictaphone. He records his observations on the dictaphone, transcribes them at home, and posts […] The post Paraglider Mastery: Explore Thrilling Flying Destinations and Exciting Global Adventures appeared first on LIFE on the PLANET LADAKH.


Red Fox Thrives: The Surprising Benefits and Ecological Impact of Wildlife Competition in the Trans-Himalaya

India: Red foxes increasingly rely on garbage and food scraps In northern India, red foxes can be seen rummaging through kitchen waste. The growing dependence of wild animals on food scraps could affect ecological processes and increase conflicts with humans. The Spiti Valley, located in the remote Trans-Himalaya, is one of the least populated places in India and home to several rare and endangered wild animals. There, to see wild herbivores like the Siberian ibex (Capra sibirica), you might have to walk up to mountain pastures sometimes at 5000 meters (16,404 feet) high. If you want to see a snow leopard (Panthera uncia), you might have to track herds of […] The post Red Fox Thrives: The Surprising Benefits and Ecological Impact of Wildlife Competition in the Trans-Himalaya appeared first on LIFE on the PLANET LADAKH.


Friday 26 July 2024

Reaching for a Dream: Discover the Majestic Wonders of Ladakh

“Reaching for a Dream” by Visiting Ladakh Đỗ An Ninh’s trip to “Little Tibet” left a stronger impression than he had ever imagined. Đỗ An Ninh, 28, a Korean language teacher, recently completed an 11-day trip to India in late August. His destination was Ladakh, a region in the Jammu and Kashmir state known as “Little Tibet.” Ninh joined a group tour, which was cheaper than initially expected, with a total cost of nearly 30 million VND per person. In addition to being a Korean language teacher, An Ninh runs a travel blog named OnTheMars, where he shares his trips and personal travel experiences. Ninh wanted to fully explore Ladakh, […] The post Reaching for a Dream: Discover the Majestic Wonders of Ladakh appeared first on LIFE on the PLANET LADAKH.


Thursday 25 July 2024

Fototour Ladakh: Capture the Majestic Himalayan Landscapes Vibrant Tibetan Culture and Stunning Desert Scenery

The Reference Article Fototour Ladakh A fine pass! Over 5000 meters high, with dramatic mountain lakes: The Ladakh region in the Trans-Himalayas is a photographer’s paradise—if the weather plays along. To capture perfect images here, one must rise in the dead of night. Outside the cabin window, bare rock walls rush past, then a sharp left turn. The airport at Leh, wedged among peaks over 6000 meters, is feared by Indian pilots for its altitude, which diminishes the aircraft’s lift. The small Boeing 737 rumbles onto the 3500-meter-high runway. Ladakh greets us with a deep blue sky and pleasant autumn temperatures. A Taxi brings my friend Corinna and me to […] The post Fototour Ladakh: Capture the Majestic Himalayan Landscapes, Vibrant Tibetan Culture, and Stunning Desert Scenery appeared first on LIFE on the PLANET LADAKH.


Ladakhi Culture: Discover the Rich Tapestry of Spiritual Heritage and Scenic Wonders

Ladakh, Mountains and Men: A Journey into Ladakhi Culture Perched at 3,500 meters above sea level, this ancient Buddhist kingdom harbors a heritage of astonishing richness. Discover a fascinating region within these high Himalayan valleys, where it is hard to tell if they are closer to the earth or the sky. His Excellency Raja Jigmed Wangchuk Namgyal is a reserved man. With salt-and-pepper hair, dressed in a fleece jacket and blue jeans, he drives through the high Indus Valley in his small car. Sometimes he is seen in Leh, the former capital of his kingdom, overshadowed by the imposing castle built by his ancestors over three hundred years ago. But […] The post Ladakhi Culture: Discover the Rich Tapestry of Spiritual Heritage and Scenic Wonders appeared first on LIFE on the PLANET LADAKH.


Wednesday 24 July 2024

Neither Time Nor Civilization Journey to the Land of Nomads

Frozen Indus (Ladakh, January 2018) (Photo: Eszter Tandel) Have you ever thought about what it would be like if we didn’t track the passage of time? No calendars, no alarm clocks—just rising and going to bed when nature signals us. It may seem unbelievable, but the disappearing, yet still existing, nomadic tribes live something like this. Now, through the lens of Hungarian photographer Eszter Tandel, we can catch a glimpse into this simple, civilization-free world. Eszter Tandel was born in Transylvania in a multicultural environment that encouraged openness, curiosity, and acceptance from an early age. Although she always felt that it would be wonderful to show others the diversity of […] The post Neither Time Nor Civilization – Journey to the Land of Nomads appeared first on LIFE on the PLANET LADAKH.


Tuesday 23 July 2024

Snow Leopard Wonders: Discover the Majestic Beauty of Himalayan Wildlife

Journey to Ladakh, Following the Tracks of the Snow Leopard EXTENSIVE REPORTAGE – As the Indian Himalayas’ edges are covered in snow, a flow of mantras escapes from monasteries perched on their rocky spurs. Perhaps these mantras reach the ears of the snow leopard, who takes advantage of the chill to indulge in its mountain loves without restraint. It’s barely 10 a.m., and the crowd is already pressing around the tarchem, the great pole adorned with victory flags, and even starts to occupy the high terraces of the monastery. The building, perched on its rocky spur, still bathes in its medieval essence. People, a magnificent parade of weather-beaten faces, old […] The post Snow Leopard Wonders: Discover the Majestic Beauty of Himalayan Wildlife appeared first on LIFE on the PLANET LADAKH.


Ladakh Explorer: Unveil the Majestic High-Altitude Treks and Vibrant Culture of the Himalayas

Ladakh Explorer: This border region of Tibet is a vast valley of moorlands and rocks. Trekkers have made it their paradise. By Sacha Goussin Published on January 30, 2008, at 6:00 AM All we see are Tata trucks, from the largest Indian industrial group. For the past three days, we’ve been continuously crossing these large, colorful vehicles adorned with garlands of flowers. Three days of incessant horn blasts, which here serve as turn signals. Three days of zigzagging between cows, rickshaws, handcarts, and potholes. This bustling scene comes to a sudden halt in Darcha. It is here, in the silence of this village, at 3300 meters altitude, that our trek […] The post Ladakh Explorer: Unveil the Majestic High-Altitude Treks and Vibrant Culture of the Himalayas appeared first on LIFE on the PLANET LADAKH.


Monday 22 July 2024

Ladakhi Cuisine: A Journey Through the Heart of Himalayan Flavors

Ladakh, India: Spoonfuls of Culture Alongside the Himalayas, its Ladakh cuisine is nourished by an immense amount of stories. A new generation is turning tradition into a tool for cultural resurgence. In the region of Ladakh, everything revolves around home, in all its senses. Even time itself moves to the rhythm set by the thap, the traditional clay oven still seen in many old Ladakhi homes. The first rays of light enter through strategically placed openings, illuminating the surface, warming it before cooking time, and turning the structure into a kind of sundial. As the day progresses, the light shifts, capturing the sinuous movement of steam, while the shadows of […] The post Ladakhi Cuisine: A Journey Through the Heart of Himalayan Flavors appeared first on LIFE on the PLANET LADAKH.


Chadar Trek: Experience the Thrill of Walking on a Frozen River

Have you ever encountered a moment that defies explanation? Recently, I had such an experience that left me pondering long after it occurred. Back in January of this year, my friends and I embarked on the Chadar Trek, an adventure through the Zanskar Gorge. This trek is renowned for its challenges, as it is undertaken during the frigid winter months of January and February when the Zanskar River turns into a frozen pathway. Walking over the ice-covered river to reach the valley is no small feat, given the extreme cold and treacherous conditions. Yet, for trekking enthusiasts, it’s an exhilarating journey, offering a unique blend of adrenaline and natural splendor. […] The post Chadar Trek: Experience the Thrill of Walking on a Frozen River appeared first on LIFE on the PLANET LADAKH.


Memories and Traditions: Embrace the Rich Heritage and Sustainable Practices of Ladakhs Timeless Farming and Cultural Wisdom

Memories and Traditions in Ladakh Over the past six years, I’ve had the fortune and joy of visiting Ladakh multiple times. I’ve come to appreciate how the people here embody a spirit of generosity and hospitality worthy of legend. The memories of my first journey are still vivid—the colorful flags fluttering in the wind, the scent of sage burning in temples, the sound of the breeze rustling through willow branches by the river, and the warmth of the expansive sky during the long summer. I was amazed to find that this community has embraced globalization within less than half a century. What surprised me is that despite accepting modernization, they […] The post Memories and Traditions: Embrace the Rich Heritage and Sustainable Practices of Ladakh’s Timeless Farming and Cultural Wisdom appeared first on LIFE on the PLANET LADAKH.


A fleeting glimpse of the vanishing nomads of North India.

Vanishing Nomads : The World Through the Lens For centuries, the nomads of Karnak have navigated some of the planet’s most awe-inspiring yet unforgiving landscapes while tending to their herds. Will their time-honored traditions endure through the sweeping migrations that define their way of life? Tsering Stobdan demonstrated the art of using a yak-hair sling by placing pebbles inside and propelling them through the air with a deft flick of his wrist. He explained that this technique is crucial for safeguarding his livestock from predators and retrieving stray goats. It’s just one of the many skills he has perfected to thrive in this challenging environment. In contrast, at an elevation […] The post A fleeting glimpse of the vanishing nomads of North India. appeared first on LIFE on the PLANET LADAKH.


Sunday 21 July 2024

Silk Road Landscapes

To reach the Desert Rain Café in the heart of Leh, you must veer off the bustling main street that leads to the mosque and navigate a narrow passageway that runs parallel to the back alleys. These alleys are barely paved and so narrow that more than three people passing through at the same time is nearly impossible. The ruins of the Leh Palace loom over from the hilltop above. Entering through the back door of a building and climbing a steep staircase in traditional Himalayan style, you arrive at a small second-floor space overlooking Bazaar Street. As you step inside and remove your shoes, you’re greeted by a miraculous […] The post Silk Road Landscapes appeared first on LIFE on the PLANET LADAKH.


Deskit Gustor Festival 2024: A Cultural Extravaganza

Location: Diskit Monastery, Nubra Valley Dates: From October 30, 2024 To October 31, 2024 Immerse Yourself in the Deskit Gustor Festival Nestled in the scenic Nubra Valley, Diskit Monastery stands as a testament to the rich tapestry of Tibetan Buddhism. Founded by the venerable Changzem Tserab Zangpo, a direct disciple of Tsong-kha-pa, this monastery is both the largest and oldest in the region. Perched majestically on a hilltop, it commands a panoramic view of the valley and the Shayok River below. As a key site of the Gelugpa (Yellow Hat) sect, it is renowned not only for its historical significance but also for the vibrant celebration of the Deskit Gustor […] The post Deskit Gustor Festival 2024: A Cultural Extravaganza appeared first on LIFE on the PLANET LADAKH.


Saturday 20 July 2024

Join Us for Sani Nasjal 2024!

Where: Sani Monastery, Kargil When: 20 – 21 July 2024 Entry: Free Discover the Magic of Sani Nasjal Celebrate the enchanting Sani Nasjal festival at the historic Sani Monastery in Zanskar, Ladakh. This event takes place when the Guru Naropa Flower blooms, usually during the first week of August, but this year it will be held in July. The festivities are deeply rooted in tradition and spirituality, centered around the revered figure of Naropa, a prominent Indian yogi from the 10th-11th century. Event Highlights: Unveiling of the Naropa Statue: Witness the grand reveal of Naropa’s statue, a key moment of the festival. Mask Dances by Lamas: Enjoy the captivating mask […] The post Join Us for Sani Nasjal 2024! appeared first on LIFE on the PLANET LADAKH.


Ladakh Nomadic Festival 2024

Nomadic Festival:Hosted by the Ladakh Cultural Academy and supported by the Ladakh Tourism Department, the festival seeks to highlight the unique culture of the Changthang region, positioning it firmly on Ladakh’s tourism map. Visitors had a chance to immerse themselves in the authentic nomadic lifestyle of the Changthang people, who are known as ‘Changpa’ or ‘Drokpa’ in Tibetan, meaning ‘northerners’ and ‘nomads’ respectively. Unlike other nomadic communities, the Changpa thrive in the harsh, uninhabitable landscapes that are unsuitable for agriculture, free from the encroachment of settled farmers. Activities Tourists experienced the vibrant and enduring nomadic culture of Changthang firsthand, witnessing the daily lives of its people in their natural environment. […] The post Ladakh Nomadic Festival 2024 appeared first on LIFE on the PLANET LADAKH.


Thursday 18 July 2024

The Social Life of the Forest

It seems that trees communicate and collaborate through an underground fungal network. What are they sharing? In her childhood, Suzanne Simard often explored the old-growth forests of Canada with her siblings, building forts out of fallen branches, collecting mushrooms and huckleberries, and sometimes even tasting the soil (she liked the taste). Nearby, her grandfather and uncles were engaged in low-impact logging with horses, selectively harvesting cedar, Douglas fir, and white pine. Because the number of trees felled was minimal, Simard barely noticed any difference. The forest seemed endless and ancient, a shimmering expanse of conifers and rain-drenched jewels, teeming with ferns and fairy bells. To her, it was a realm […] The post The Social Life of the Forest appeared first on LIFE on the PLANET LADAKH.


Wednesday 17 July 2024

The Art of Following Zen and Fathers Footsteps

Peter Matthiessen’s “Snow Leopard,” a renowned book on spiritual exploration in the Buddhist monasteries of the Himalayas, has reached its 40th anniversary since publication. His son, Alex, retraced that trek. Can one become an armchair Zen monk? It’s one of the questions posed by Peter Matthiessen’s great exploration, “Snow Leopard.” Among all the books I’ve read in my lifetime, especially in recent years, none has vividly captured Matthiessen’s acclaimed trekking journey, the “journey of the heart” to the ancient Tibetan plateau of Dolpo in the high Himalayas. Many believe this. Since its first edition in 1978, “Snow Leopard” has arguably inspired the paths of hippies and backpackers venturing beyond Kathmandu […] The post The Art of Following Zen and Father’s Footsteps appeared first on LIFE on the PLANET LADAKH.


Tuesday 16 July 2024

The Gates of Heaven

On the longest day of last year, I visited what they call “the highest motorable road in the world.” But “road” might not be the right word. Nor is “pass.” Icicles hung from the mountainside, and along the winding path were memorials to soldiers who had “departed for heaven” after falling off the cliffs. The driver, with a red face and an indomitable spirit, crawled out of the rickety Toyota and began fiddling with the loose starter. This was not what I had hoped for at 18,350 feet. Pink fluid was leaking from the truck in front of us. It was hard to believe that 90 minutes ago, we had […] The post The Gates of Heaven appeared first on LIFE on the PLANET LADAKH.


Discover Ladakh Eco-Lodges: Sustainable Luxury and Authentic Experiences in the Heart of the Himalayas

In this delicate landscape, the eco-lodges of Ladakh continue to uphold a way of life. Here, we introduce five establishments that aim to provide eco-friendly, sustainable stays while addressing over-tourism and environmental degradation in this mountainous region. The Stok Palace Heritage Hotel in Ladakh, India, is still home to the Namgyal royal family, offering three suites to visitors. This 200-year-old residence stands as a testament to Ladakhi culture and art, nestled in one of North India’s most popular tourist destinations. PHOTOGRAPH BY HH JIGMED NAMGYAL By Charukesi Ramadurai August 28, 2023 Hotelier Rigzin Namgyal nostalgically recalls a time when only truly curious and adventurous people visited Ladakh. When this region […] The post Discover Ladakh Eco-Lodges: Sustainable Luxury and Authentic Experiences in the Heart of the Himalayas appeared first on LIFE on the PLANET LADAKH.


Monday 15 July 2024

Breakthrough in Polar Bear Relocation: A Transformative Plan to Protect and Preserve Wildlife for a Flourishing Future

Have you ever tried to move penguins from Antarctica to the Arctic, or polar bears from the Arctic to Antarctica? This question feels a bit like fake news, but I’ll answer it anyway. It touches on my area of expertise, and I can’t ignore this kind of provocation. It’s an unfortunately reckless idea. However, regrettably, someone has already thought about it, at least regarding the polar bears. Let’s start from the beginning. Penguins are flightless birds, and in their environment, there are no natural land predators. They feel safe on land, and in Antarctica, nothing threatens them. But the situation in the Arctic is quite different. If penguins appeared in […] The post Breakthrough in Polar Bear Relocation: A Transformative Plan to Protect and Preserve Wildlife for a Flourishing Future appeared first on LIFE on the PLANET LADAKH.


Sunday 14 July 2024

Anthony Hopkins Inspirational Wisdom: Embracing Lifes Essence with Dignity and Harmony

Anthony Hopkins – “I am keenly aware that my remaining time on this earth is now shorter than the time I have already lived. To me, it feels like a child who has been given a box of chocolates. Initially enjoyed with delight, but as they dwindle, each piece savored carries a special taste. I have no time for endless debates on public policies, knowing nothing will change. Nor do I wish to engage with fools who refuse to act their age. I avoid gatherings where egos inflate and manipulators thrive. Envious individuals, fearful of losing their status, talent, or achievements, trouble me. Titles and positions are of no concern […] The post Anthony Hopkins’ Inspirational Wisdom: Embracing Life’s Essence with Dignity and Harmony appeared first on LIFE on the PLANET LADAKH.


Saturday 13 July 2024

Mountaineering in Canada: Unleashing the Ultimate Adventure in the Majestic Rockies

Why Do We Love the Mountains? Recently, I took a short trip, surrounded by towering mountains. Each one inspired me, tracing the lines running down its face or simply sitting back to appreciate its mass. I pondered the same question throughout. Certainly, Everest is not the ultimate dream for me. Is climbing Everest a common goal for rock climbers? In my experience, even the average hiker rarely thinks about Everest. Climbers consider it a complete joke. Therefore, I hold a different opinion. Everest is not the ultimate goal, and in my view, it should never be. I think of myself as a mountaineer, but my ambitions are based on the […] The post Mountaineering in Canada: Unleashing the Ultimate Adventure in the Majestic Rockies appeared first on LIFE on the PLANET LADAKH.


Friday 12 July 2024

Brendon Grimshaws Remarkable Journey: Transforming a Seychelles Island into a Wildlife Paradise

For $13,000, Brendon Grimshaw, an Englishman, bought a small, uninhabited island in the Seychelles (East Africa) and decided to make it his permanent home. He was under forty when he quit his job as a newspaper editor and embarked on a new life on his island. No human had set foot on the island for fifty years. But then, Brendon, along with a partner named René Lafortune, began to make their new home habitable. While René only visited the island occasionally, Brendon lived there for decades and never left. Over the span of 39 years, Grimshaw and Lafortune planted 16,000 trees with their own hands and constructed nearly five kilometers […] The post Brendon Grimshaw’s Remarkable Journey: Transforming a Seychelles Island into a Wildlife Paradise appeared first on LIFE on the PLANET LADAKH.


Tuesday 9 July 2024

Unforgettable Hitchhiking Adventure on Australias Scenic Coastline

What was the best thing about hitchhiking? I stood on the highway near the turnoff to Byron Bay, in northern New South Wales. I’d hitchhiked from Sydney over a few days and needed a lift for the last three kilometers into town. There was no rush. One shouldn’t hurry through Red Rock National Park. It was early December. Summer had arrived, and for a 21-year-old used to the cool climate of New Zealand’s South Island, the northern New South Wales summer was a revelation. The water was ten degrees warmer, and the air felt like it was floating. Two surfers in their late twenties from California picked me up. They […] The post Unforgettable Hitchhiking Adventure on Australia’s Scenic Coastline appeared first on LIFE on the PLANET LADAKH.


Sunday 7 July 2024

Eric Weihenmayer: Conquering Everest and Beyond with Determination and Inspiration

Eric Weihenmayer: What might be the most unbelievable feat accomplished by human will? Do you fancy yourself hardcore too? Keep reading. Imagine being a healthy boy. Then, one day, imagine losing your sight… at the age of thirteen. He came to know it as retinal detachment. A disease slowly robbing him of his vision. Most would likely crumble under such an unexpected blow. Curl up in despair, wouldn’t you think? But this man was different. It was merely the first trial in an unseen life. Wrestling, a primal test of strength and will, became his outlet. Through high school, he grappled, even competing in national championships. Yet, compared to the […] The post Eric Weihenmayer: Conquering Everest and Beyond with Determination and Inspiration appeared first on LIFE on the PLANET LADAKH.


Achieving True Job Satisfaction: Embracing Meaningful Work and Mental Wellness

Can a high salary compensate for a lack of job satisfaction? It’s possible. But in my case, it didn’t work out. I was a mountain rescue worker, and the pay was low. I worked in Norway, and even here, the pay for this job is low. Wanting to earn more, I ambitiously became the director of a major company’s Eastern European branch. With the right academic background, getting that job wasn’t too challenging. Additionally, I spoke Norwegian fluently and had a good grasp of Danish and Swedish, making it suitable for working in a Scandinavian company, mainly staffed in Poland. Financially, I became comfortable and made a lot of money. […] The post Achieving True Job Satisfaction: Embracing Meaningful Work and Mental Wellness appeared first on LIFE on the PLANET LADAKH.


Saturday 6 July 2024

Peak Mastery: The Thriving World of the Mountain Climber

What do we call people who climb mountains? The term “mountain climber” is commonly used, but it doesn’t encompass the many styles of mountaineering. Each style has its own challenges, risks, allure, and community. Some devote their entire lives to mastering one style. Below, I introduce the various styles of mountain climbing: Hiking / Hiker Often involves walking on rugged terrain where basic route finding is helpful. Typically, there are established trails, and technically difficult sections are rare. It’s the most popular style, with routes like the main route of Ben Nevis, Grues Grind, and Plain of Six Glaciers being popular. Many people reach summits using this method. Trekking Trekking […] The post Peak Mastery: The Thriving World of the Mountain Climber appeared first on LIFE on the PLANET LADAKH.


Wednesday 3 July 2024

Solo Travel Adventures: Unforgettable Journeys and Serendipitous Friendships

Do you prefer traveling alone or with someone else? Alone… for much the same reasons as many others have given to this question. Yes, alone — but always open to the offers of joining others for a day or two. Many things would have remained unseen and unexperienced otherwise. Although (when I was still wandering here and there) I was already among the older members of the backpacking tribe, age did not seem to be a barrier. If you carried a backpack, you automatically belonged to their “brotherhood” (… almost invariably a nice, relaxed, very international group). When the younger folks were heading somewhere, whether it was for a beer […] The post Solo Travel Adventures: Unforgettable Journeys and Serendipitous Friendships appeared first on LIFE on the PLANET LADAKH.


Tuesday 2 July 2024

Discovering the Meaning of Life: Embracing Compassion Love and Higher Self for True Goodness

If it is true that God is only good and also omnipotent, why then do we have evil in the world? Why does evil exist in the world? I wrote the following to answer this question in a way that makes sense to me. Fresh out of university, I took a job in the outback of Australia. It was a difficult adjustment, and my eighteen months there raised more questions than answers. Two years ago, I returned for the first time, seeking answers. What follows is from my journal. It attempts to tackle the difficult question of why evil exists in the world. The picture at the end is of […] The post Discovering the Meaning of Life: Embracing Compassion, Love, and Higher Self for True Goodness appeared first on LIFE on the PLANET LADAKH.


True Friend: Embrace the Joy of Magnificent Gatherings and Lifelong Bonds

My father used to say… To understand who a true friend is, you must throw a party. Host a magnificent gathering with fine beers and wines. Prepare delicious food and set the background music just right, welcoming to all. Let the music play, but not too loudly. Don’t force anyone to stay, don’t persuade, never prolong the party. Parties have origins older than us; they know when to end. Invite many friends, and when the party’s over, let each take their preferred path. Then, observe. Notice who willingly stays to help you, who aids in washing dishes, who assists in tidying up. These will be your true friends. They’ll stand […] The post True Friend: Embrace the Joy of Magnificent Gatherings and Lifelong Bonds appeared first on LIFE on the PLANET LADAKH.


Monday 1 July 2024

Traveling Alone: Embracing Independence and Authentic Exploration

Why is it that abroad, it seems so much easier to be oneself and talk to strangers? Especially when traveling alone. In my experience, even just traveling with one other person (let alone in a group) tends to form a kind of “closed circle”. Within that circle, locals, whether in city streets or mountain villages, usually hesitate to let you in. As a result, interacting with them isn’t easy unless you actively “break the ice”. On the other hand, when you’re walking alone with a backpack (looking relaxed and open), it often feels like they’re waiting for their turn to talk—you end up having tea together several times a day, […] The post Traveling Alone: Embracing Independence and Authentic Exploration appeared first on LIFE on the PLANET LADAKH.

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